So I've been wanting to put these on the blog so I remember them. Sometimes the things he says just cracks me up and makes me cry all at the same time.
I got up the other day from the lunch table to get a napkin and walked by Ethan and he says, "Mama, your bum-bum is big." There was nothing mean in his statement at all...he was just stating the facts and maybe realizing this for the first time. I laughed at first and told him that I knew it was. 10 minutes later I texted David that I was ready to cry about it.
We were driving home from Joyschool last week and I asked Ethan what he did at school that day. He says to me, "I don't want to talk about it." I'm thinking that he got in trouble or something so I say, "How come?" and he replies back, a little frustrated, "I'm just looking out the window right now." Hmmm, I should try that one sometime.
One night after we had put the kids to bed, David heard some commotion going on in Ethan's room. He went up there prepared to be angry with the crazy 3 year old for not obeying and going to sleep when it was bedtime. He flung the door open and said rather loudly, "Why is your light on?" Ethan quickly replied, "I just was trying to see Jesus," pointing to the picture up on his wall. What do you do there? How can you get mad at that?
We love you buddy! You kill us sometimes, but we love you.